Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is This Really Anyone’s Business?

Before I begin I would like to tip my hat to Mr. Anderson for his courage to stand up for and make his voice heard on a topic that he feels very strongly about.
An article posted on the Democrat Stuck In The Middle of Redland blog, written by author R. James Anderson entitled It’s time to really stir the pot…..I’m pro gay marriage. Here’s why:, voices his views on pro-marriage, regardless of gender, in the State of Texas.
Focusing specifically on the right to engage in a same-sex marriage, Mr. Anderson brings to light many logical concerns under his ultimate question of “Why should America continue to deny rights to portions of our population that others enjoy?”
In response to the author’s question, I would first like to say that I feel that the legalization of same-sex marriage should not be something that the people or the government should be able to decide. It should be a born right. It is not anyone’s business but the interested parties involved in the courtship.  Not only is it a violation of freedom for same sex couples not to be able to marry but it absolutely screams discrimination. Additionally, not only is it unfair but it also denies a couple marriage associated rights as stated by Mr. Anderson in his article.
Secondly, Mr. Anderson brings up a very valid point stating that “homosexuality is not a choice a person makes, rather it is biological.” Studies have found this to be more and more factual as stated in the AllPsych Journal posting entitled Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture written by Ryan D. Johnson.
To love and be loved is the most important unwritten right a person has regardless of who you are. Why would anyone want to take this away? There is so much hate in the world today that for someone to find another person to love and spend their life with should be all that matters, regardless.
Mr. Anderson, in my past readings I had come across a comment stated by Michael Josephson that I would like to direct to you as I could not have said it better, “I boldly and unequivocally support the legal rights and full extension of not merely tolerance but true acceptance of and support for every son and daughter, brother and sister, friend and colleague, and complete stranger who loves and is committed to someone of the same gender. I have the privilege of knowing, admiring and loving a number of extraordinarily kind, talented and highly ethical gay men and lesbian women, and I am distressed that they must bear insults, prejudice, condemnation, and legal discrimination. It’s more than an issue of civil rights; it’s a matter of respect and caring; it’s a matter of human compassion.”
My kudos to Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York,  the District of Columbia and also to California for not taking the right away to already married same-sex couples while the battles are an issue in the courts.
Finally, even though Governor Perry has stated numerous times that he is against same-sex marriage was he truthful when he said “the State of New York was just in granting gays the right to marry” or was he just campaigning again?

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